Engaging learning experiences that help people navigate a complex information ecosystem

Who is Truth in Common for?


    Offered through libraries and community-based organizations and geared for adults of all ages, Truth in Common workshops foster trust among participants while building skills for digital and media literacy and for more constructive conversations about the issues.


    In the workplace, mis- and disinformation can show up as cyberattacks, PR crises, and internal discord as social division affects employee dynamics and productivity. Truth in Common offers talks and panel events, custom workshops and crisis communications support to help organizations study, plan for and mitigate risks associated with this thorny set of issues.


    Truth in Common is grounded in the belief that professional communicators play a crucial role in stemming the spread of falsehoods globally. We offer talks for professional organizations, workshops for communications staff and a new, train-the-trainer program so communicators can bring the Truth in Common method to their own communities.


    Our kids may be learning digital literacy at school or camp, but we parents are not. Nor do parents have time to process the continuous stream of anxiety-producing content on online radicalization. Truth in Common offers straight talk about the risks information poses to youth and support in helping them avoid harmful online content.

Sample workshop content


    Definitions & examples

    Why should we care?

    Anatomy of a disinfo campaign

    Motives, emotions, & psychology


    3 areas for growth

    Sources: Local news & civic information

    Opinion vs news

    Reporter Q&A


    Conversation tips

    The art of respectful push-back

    5X5 exercise & role-play


Please don’t hesitate to reach out.